15 Litre Mini Aquarium / Fish Tank with Filter and LED Lighting
You are purchasing a high quality 15 litre acrylic mini aquarium, complete with in built filter and LED light.
This aquarium comes with a built in filter in the back, including all filter media (foam, activated carbon foam, and filter floss) for clear and healthy water.
The tank is 24cm high, 27cm wide and 23.5 in depth.
300l/h Aquarium Internal Filter for Fish Tank Submersible with Spray Bar
You are purchasing a high quality 300l/h Aquarium Internal Filter suitable for use in aquariums up to 60 litres in size.
Our internal filters come complete with a spray bar attachment, along with a venturi, to facilitate additional aeration within the aquarium.
Complete with foam sponge for Mechanical and Biological filter media. There is a flow limiter on the front of the filter to allow the flow rate to be slowed if required depending on application.
Aquarium Air Pump for Fish tank with Adjustable Dual Valve Outlet
You are purchasing a high quality Air Pump suitable for use with any aquarium.
Our Air Pumps are very quiet in operation, and have rubber feet to absorb excess sound. There is also a mounting ring to mount to the cabinet in your aquarium. They come complete with UK plugs.
Our Air Pumps have a very low power consumption in comparison with other models. (Just 4.0 watts!).
Finest Filters 10 pack of Compatible Air Stones for Biorb Biube Aquariums and Fish Tanks
You are purchasing a pack of 10 high quality Compatible Air Stones suitable for use with all biorb and biube aquariums.
PLEASE NOTE: These are not original brand air stones. They are a Finest-Filters compatible product intended to do the same purpose.
Regular replacement of the air stone in your biorb aquarium is recommended, so that the air flow powering the filter is not reduced.
Finest-Filters 1000g (1kg) Ceramic Filter Rings Biological Filter Media in Bags for Aquarium / Pond Filters
You are purchasing 1kg (2 x 500g boxes) of premium quality Ceramic Filter Rings.
Our filter rings are an ideal biological filter media for use in Aquarium and Pond Filters.
These filter rings are packaged in mesh filter bags - allowing easy cleaning when inside your filter. Alternatively, these can be taken out of the media bag and placed loose in the filter.