Product Description
Interpet Bioactive Tape Safe is a unique formula that removes chlorine and heavy metals from tap water. Bioactive Tap Safe cleverly adds aloe vera protective colloid that creates a protective barrier around the fishes delicate skin and gills. Interpet Bioactive Tap Safe also adds a population of bacteria and enzymes that will consume excess biological waste in the aquarium water which helps improve filter performance. 30ml
Interpet Bioactive Tapsafe is a fast acting water treatment that will instantly make ordinary tap water safe for use in an aquarium.
It is particularly suited for use with new aquariums, or during partial water changes.
It also helps to protect your fish by introducing a protective Aloe vera substance to create a protective barrier around the skin and gills of the fish.
This product works by extracting the chlorine, chloramine and heavy metals from tap water, which would otherwise adversely affect the health of the fish. It also helps to boost the filtration process within the aquarium by introducing a culture of bacteria and enzymes that will consume excess biological waste within the aquarium.