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Habistat Heat Mat, 7 Watt, 6 x 11-inch


Produces ultra long wavelength infra red heat
Ability to heat anything that it strikes
Reptiles absorb this at in a manner very similar to basking in a natural environment

SKU: 944 Category:

The Habistat Heat Mats will allow your pet to warm up nicely when he wishes. The Heat Mat can be attached to either the bottom or the side of your terrarium. They are great for night time heating as they give off no light and provide a gentle warmth which usually allows for a night time small drop in heat from a daylight bulb temperature. Habistat Heat Mats work by warming up the objects and animals within their effective range. They are great for creating a localised warm area and allowing you to create a heat gradient within a small terrarium or vivarium without overheating the whole enclosure. In large enclosures they can be used along with heat bulbs to create warm spots without pushing the temperature too high. Habistat Heat Mats come in a range of sizes to suit all enclosures. Heat Mats should cover around one third to no more than a half of your vivarium or terrarium ground space (or side wall in the case of arboreal species). This will allow your pet to thermoregulate and move out of the heat when it desires. Heat mats should never be insulated on both sides by their surroundings, i.e. they need some air flow to one side to prevent them overheating. When using outside a glass terrarium ensure there is a gap for air flow on one side and if using inside a vivarium only ever cover with light substrates (i.e. a thick layer of sand is not appropriate). Tape into position to ensure your pet will not get under the mat and use a thermostat which makes contact with the mat, for example a mat stat, to ensure the mat does not overheat. Size: 7W (6 x 11″)Other Items Required: A Mat Stat or similar thermostat is recommended for heat mats Suitable for All Vivariums / Terrariums Most species except: Chameleons which cannot sense heat from below Bearded dragons should only have low wattages
Produces ultra long wavelength infra red heat
Ability to heat anything that it strikes
Reptiles absorb this at in a manner very similar to basking in a natural environment
Provides a very gentle warmth
Ideal primary heaters for most applications requiring night time heating

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