Rosewood Tetra Plecowafers, 42 g


complete food wafer for all herbivorous bottom-feeding fish
protein 30%, oils 6%, fibre 5%, moisture 9%
sinking wafers with concentrated algae formulation

SKU: 0I-MDIO-6K1N Category:

Complete food for Plecostomus catfish and other herbivore bottonfeeders.

Large water format allows Plecostomus to graze naturally Enriched with vegetable proteins to reflect natural diet Easytoeat yet remains stable in water for long period Less waste for cleaner healthier water

Feeding Guide

Feed 23 times a day only as much as the fish can consume within a few minutes. In mixed community aquariums use a combination with Tetramin flake crisps or TetraPro. For timid fish feed after the aquarium lights have been switched off.

complete food wafer for all herbivorous bottom-feeding fish
protein 30%, oils 6%, fibre 5%, moisture 9%
sinking wafers with concentrated algae formulation

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